Selfie satisfaction

bdbwPhoto or it didn’t happen.

That’s a common cry from friends, followers and/or trolls when anybody makes an extraordinary claim on social media.

In the context of travel, it’s always been the case that some people want to have their picture taken at a particular place, as a reminder to themselves or a declaration to the world that they’ve actually been there.

In the photo above, I had somebody snap me in front of part of the Berlin Wall around the time most of it was consigned to history. The one below was taken, a little more recently, by me when I finally made it to the Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens.


Of course, these days the technology (i.e. the selfie stick) allows you to take your own pictures, and to take so many of them that one of them should be right.

And, of course, the technology also exists to fake it — and quite a few people have taken imaginary holidays this way.


All I can say about the photos here is that, they might not be pretty, but they are authentic. bdcit

I have many more that I’ll spare you for now, but since I’ve shown you mine, will you show me yours?

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