Some people like the middle seat, but I’m not buying it

Social media drew my attention to this story on Nerdwallet about why some  passengers actually prefer to sit in the dreaded middle seat on an aircraft.

Things ain’t what they used to be. when it comes to airline seating.
(Copyright holder unknown. Source:

Yes, I know. You did read that correctly. 

The reasoning revolves around opportunities to network with other passengers, creating friendships and maybe even job opportunities, and the fact that if you choose the middle seat in an empty row, then you are more likely to end up with that row to yourself, because people will be reluctant to choose a seat so close to somebody else.

Well, I don’t usually care to network while I’m on plane, so that reason is out the window.

What I do is choose the aisle seat — giving me easy aisle access to go to the toilet or just for a stroll around the plane to fight DVT — and it has a similar effect in deterring passengers from choosing the seat right next to me. I don’t get the whole row to myself necessarily, but I’m not greedy. In any case, it only works on flights that aren’t full, and there are precious few of those these days.

There’s also another reason why I wouldn’t choose a middle seat that doesn’t apply to everyone.

As I’ve noted before, I’m larger than average and I’m well aware of that fact. That’s why I try to fly in premium seats when I can afford to do so. If I were to sit in the middle of a normal economy row of seats, it would make three people uncomfortable. When I’m in the aisle seat, it’s generally only me who feels the squeeze.

3 thoughts on “Some people like the middle seat, but I’m not buying it”

  1. Terry writes: Aisle, of course, so much so that my bride and I try to book seats each side of the aisle. It becomes imperative as age reduces your comfortable bladder time.

    Anne: Never [a middle seat] by choice. Dictated by no available aisles or windows.

  2. From Simon: If you’re travelling alone and there a three seats vacant, booking the middle seat almost guarantees you will have the three seats to yourself … especially if you are travelling on a Tuesday or Wednesday internationally … well that’s my experience of it … although why no one would want to sit next to me is a mystery.

  3. Some reactions from social media:
    Window. That way, I only have people on one side.
    Paul: Hands up. Who likes the middle seat?
    Pippa: Only if I have family on each side and we can raise the [armrests].
    Aaron: Middle? [Expletive deleted] crazy.

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