Airports aren’t what they used to be, thank goodness

Brisbane Airport in the 1960s. (Photo: Arthur Debritz)

A recent Twitter exchange about long stopovers reminded me of one thing that has absolutely improved about travel over the years I’ve been doing it: the standard of airport terminals.

Although some may complain that the departure area has been taken over by duty-free booze and perfume outlets, not to mention all-too-familiar fast-food franchises, it’s a far cry from what was on offer not so long ago.

Continue reading Airports aren’t what they used to be, thank goodness

London by any other name

Planning a flight to London? Well, as frequent travellers who’ve spent time and money to travel in taxis, trains or buses already know, London’s two best-known airports are not actually in the English capital.


The Advertising Standards Agency in the UK has cleared an advertisement by London City Airport that claims it is the only airport that is actually in London, which means London Heathrow and London Gatwick are not.

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