Be prepared to have your digital devices searched

A surprise may await you on arrival at your destination next time you travel.

All travellers know, or ought to know, that they must abide by the laws of the country they are in, or are about to enter.

But laws keep on changing and it’s hard to keep up. So you may not know that some countries now can require you to take what is inelegantly described as a “digital strip search”.

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Marmite, furry handcuffs and other carry-on essentials


I once was foolish enough to put a bottle of vodka — a gift from a Slavic friend — in my hand luggage, and it was confiscated by security at Gatwick Airport.

But is seems that booze isn’t the most popular item that people try to take onboard aircraft departing the United Kingdom.

Continue reading Marmite, furry handcuffs and other carry-on essentials

Reality TV bites

If you’ve ever watched one of those “fly on the wall” television shows set in airports and wondered why some people — especially those who do something foolish or illegal — would allow themselves to be a part of it all, this might be a clue.

This sign was spotted at an Australian airport recently, and I find the wording quite interesting.

Continue reading Reality TV bites